Monday 11 May 2015

Week 29 Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids

I'm one of those unlucky ones who have to go through the pain of suffering from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. 

I remembered that with my first pregnancy, I only suffered from hemorrhoids after a couple of weeks delivering my newborn. 

That was because I had to go through confinement and was restricted from consuming liquids in addition to taking herbal medications which caused me to lose a lot of bodily fluid. 

This time around, it was just ONE measly thingy sticking out but hurts like MAD!

I couldn't sleep at night, was tossing and turning.

Felt like by bum was burning, I lied down on my sides and even changing sides was a torturous ordeal.

I cried and prayed that I'd be able to fall asleep since I felt extremely tired.

In the morning, it felt slightly better and I thought that it was no longer swollen.

Boy was I wrong! 

I took a shower and sat on the toilet bowl, ran warm water in the hopes that I could reduce the pain and swelling.

It did work temporarily as it also affected my activities the entire day. 

To make me feel better, I'd sometimes tell hubby "Look, I feel like I'm in The Matrix!" 

And I'd try picking up stuff off the floor with slow motion, coz my bum hurts like crazy! 

Even when I try to perform my prayers, I'd initially stand but succumb to praying by sitting down as I just couldn't perform the movements without the risk of falling flat on my face. 

For additional temporary relief, whenever I needed to go to the washroom, I'd bring one small ice cube and apply ice on the area. 

I could feel that it helped with reducing the pain too and somehow I could feel it reduce the swelling. 

Hubby also brought me to the pharmacy to purchase a hemorrhoid cream so we walked into a pharmacy and consulted the pharmacist.

She prescribed me an ointment which was safe for pregnant women. 

Upon applying, the instructions would tell you not to defecate for 4 hours or so, else, you'll need to re-apply thereafter. 

When I went to visit my mom later that day, she was worried too because I had difficulty walking so she gave me a herbal ointment as well. 

I guess she just wanted me to get better so she told me to apply BOTH at the same time. :) 

And if you were in my position, yeah, you'd use any types of medication just to make it go away! 

This was 2 days ago. 

Yesterday, since hubby was home, I practically spent the entire day lying down on the sofa with pillows to prop myself up. 

I didn't want to put pressure on my hemorrhoid

I even had the courage to try pushing it back in myself. 

I Googled hemorrhoid cures and one of it was for you to push it back in yourself. 

I'd do this either when I'm in the shower or when I'm applying the ointment. 

Owh em gee ... at times I'd end up crying in the shower when doing this and I'd be sweating all over, praying that I didn't have to pass motion whilst having this pain!!!! 

I also noticed that upon applying the ointment and alternating between using warm water or ice, it DID help with reducing the swelling and easing it for you to push it back inside ... where it belongs! 

This morning when I was in the shower, I thanked God that it was not as painful as it was 2 days ago and that it was slowly healing. 

I'm now making it a point to drink at least 2L of water (considering that the weather here is hot and humid) and consuming bananas on a daily basis (or at least try to) as I'm NOT a fan of fruits but I love vegetables.

Insya Allah, I foresee that it'd get better in the next couple of days. :)

Quick Recap

You may find more information here on Baby Centre:
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Here's a list of what I did to help me go through this ordeal in addition to me looking up for the cures online:

1) I bathe using warm water so I'd wash the area in warm water too and let the water run for a couple of minutes. I'd take the opportunity to try pushing it back in during this time. 

2) At times when I feel the pain, I'd just bring one small ice cube into the bathroom and apply it directly on the hemorrhoid. If I could stand the pain or if I had the courage, I'd try pushing it back in during this time too. 

3) Applying hemorrhoid cream on the area to reduce the pain and swelling. Some people apply the ointment to reduce the itchiness but thank goodness for me, mine did not itch. 

4) I'd drink a minimum of 2L of water / day (didn't help that I had to visit the loo more often than before) but I'd do just about ANYTHING so as not to suffer from this anymore.

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