Wednesday 7 October 2015

Play-Doh Kind of Day

The weather is still bad and unhealthy for both Lil' Tot and Lil' Baby to enjoy any form of outdoor activities. 

Such a bummer, you know, as you are a believer that kids should be outdoors and play as they learn best that way.

We've been cooped up at home for a couple of weeks now so a lot of planning has been put into scheduling Lil' Tot's daily activities indoors.

It was Play-Doh day which Lil' Tot happily took the lead.

We started the day with just lazing around in bed before breakfast.

I was half-awake from being up the previous night for Lil' Baby's night time feeds.

At times, she'll have her feed every 2 hours, but lately she's been up every hour! 

Goodness, I'd find myself feeding her with my eyes half-closed but I'd be sure that I don't drop her when I pick her up from her cot.

I won't ever be able to forgive myself if I ever did!

So this lazing around gave me time to just steal 5-10 minutes more to doze off while Lil' Tot entertained her younger sister.

Once I've dragged myself out of bed, I'd hit the showers and this would get Lil' Tot to do the same too, one of the rare instances she'd offer to take a shower. 

Why is it that toddlers find it really difficult to take a shower?

 I mean, they'll literally find so many excuses NOT to go into the bathroom, at the point of arguing with you, and once they've finally gotten themselves into the bathroom, they'll find so many excuses to NOT leave the bathroom? *sigh sigh sigh*

Anyways, once I've done washing up, Lil' Tot would finally saunter into the bathroom and go about doing her business.

I'd take this opportunity to prepare breakfast before bathing Lil' Baby. 

Once I'm done preparing breakfast, Lil' Tot would be ready by then with her clothes.

We'd both sit down to have breakfast and chat.

Once I'm done with breakfast (more like wolfing down the food before Lil' Baby starts crying), I'd pick up Lil' Baby and give her a bath. 

After bath time, we'd both get ourselves comfortable at Lil' Tot's workstation and do activities together.

Lil' Tot kickstarted it with producing a few animal shapes and as we progressed, I'd ask her "Should we make a tree?" or "Should we make a river?" or "What else do you think we should add?" to engage with her and allow her to think of other things to create.

This Play-Doh activity took up the entire morning.

In between playing with Lil' Tot, I'd also have to feed Lil' Baby and get her to take naps as well, which generally means holding her throughout the session, else she'll only end up napping for 15-minutes or so. 

After the Play-Doh session, we moved on to number recognition, as per the picture above. 

The pom pom balls have been very useful with our number activities so far and we've found different ways to incorporate the pom pom balls in our activities. 

I must confess, I'm not really good in Math so I'm hoping that this early exposure to numbers in a fun way for Lil' Tot would pique her interest to continuously learn about numbers and subsequently, Math. :)

For more ideas on activities for your toddlers, feel free to check out #30invitationstoplay on Instagram.

You can find more updates on our daily activities via @supersimplesahm. 

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