The neighbour's kids were home so we decided to ask them to join us at the park this morning.
In our bag, we packed some stuff:
Water colour and brushes
Color pencils
Construction papers
Snacks - mini pretzels, chocolate cookies and crackers
Water bottle
It's really easy to prep stuff for several kids to do as they'll all join in the fun.
As the kids arrived and we laid out all the stuff on the table, they started to colour, draw and paint.
They then proceeded to run around the park, picked up random things to bring to the table and started drawing.
Thereafter, they ran to the playground and just played on the swings, slide and monkey bar.
Eventually, they played a game of hide-and-seek but after realizing that there were limited places to hide, they started to play catch as one of the kids brought along a ball.
As the ball started rolling off a bit further from the circle they had formed, they then started to race with each other, running from one end of the park to the other.
All hands were on deck by the mothers to ensure that the kids are safe and not push/pull one another.
Throughout the entire time they were playing, of course, at times we had to become a referee and advise them not to quarrel or get them to share things etc.
We finally gave up because there were too many kids talking at the same time or showing their emotions that we decided "Oh well, we'll just let them figure things out themselves."
Which they eventually did! haha
So you'd see at one moment 2 kids would be playing while the other 2 would be throwing a sulky face and sit down on the floor, refusing to join in.
Not long after, as they realize they're missing out on the fun, they'd join back in.
And the cycle repeats.
At the end of the 2 hours (I guess it's normal that kids could play for a maximum of 2 hours before they're super tired, depending on the type of activity), all kids were red in the face, sweat profusely with stained clothes.
We had to coax them to go home and take a shower as it was nearing lunch time.
After saying their goodbyes, all kids went home with a tired but content face. :)
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
The Validation
Lil' Tot, The Baby and I were at our usual spot this morning, in the park.
We brought our drawing materials and some snacks.
We laid everything out nicely on a table and sat down minding our own business.
A lady with her 9-month old son approached us and started to chat.
She was on leave and works as a teacher in a nearby school.
I noticed that she paid most of her attention to Lil' Tot, asked her questions and just listened to how Lil' Tot explained things.
The lady kept telling me that she was impressed with how Lil' Tot communicated and expressed herself.
In addition, she stood by and watched Lil' Tot draw on a construction paper and at the same time, communicated with me.
Lil' Tot even started to chat with the 9-month old baby, kept saying "Awwww he's so cute!"
When the lady got to know that Lil' Tot does not attend any play school or pre-school, she was more impressed.
She even added, "If she's able to communicate like this, she does not need to go to a kindergarten anymore. She can immediately start school when the time comes."
I was like "Wow!"
On top of that, the lady said that she'd love to send her son to us so that her son could play with the kids.
I honestly told her that we mostly play and don't really focus on learning ABCs or numbers, it all depends on whether Lil' Tot wants to learn them.
The lady said, "Play is better. No need to stress out on ABCs and numbers if they aren't willing to at such an early age."
Wow, to get such a validation from a teacher really IS something! :D
I strongly believe that we're moving in the right direction and to hear such acknowledgement from a teacher further validates that we're doing something right. ;)
We brought our drawing materials and some snacks.
We laid everything out nicely on a table and sat down minding our own business.
A lady with her 9-month old son approached us and started to chat.
She was on leave and works as a teacher in a nearby school.
I noticed that she paid most of her attention to Lil' Tot, asked her questions and just listened to how Lil' Tot explained things.
The lady kept telling me that she was impressed with how Lil' Tot communicated and expressed herself.
In addition, she stood by and watched Lil' Tot draw on a construction paper and at the same time, communicated with me.
Lil' Tot even started to chat with the 9-month old baby, kept saying "Awwww he's so cute!"
When the lady got to know that Lil' Tot does not attend any play school or pre-school, she was more impressed.
She even added, "If she's able to communicate like this, she does not need to go to a kindergarten anymore. She can immediately start school when the time comes."
I was like "Wow!"
On top of that, the lady said that she'd love to send her son to us so that her son could play with the kids.
I honestly told her that we mostly play and don't really focus on learning ABCs or numbers, it all depends on whether Lil' Tot wants to learn them.
The lady said, "Play is better. No need to stress out on ABCs and numbers if they aren't willing to at such an early age."
Wow, to get such a validation from a teacher really IS something! :D
I strongly believe that we're moving in the right direction and to hear such acknowledgement from a teacher further validates that we're doing something right. ;)
Monday, 9 November 2015
Dinner with Baby at Majestic Hotel, KL
We planned a family dinner recently at Majestic Hotel, simply because someone else would be paying for our meal.
Honestly, the place is super posh and I truly felt out of place.
The range of food was really nice but of course, for me, the price was quite expensive.
Hubby then told me that the price was considered the cheapest in KL considering that it was a 5-star hotel.
I guess because I'm no longer earning an income that I've become more frugal.
Although we had a family stay-cation in Majestic a couple of years ago, I suddenly felt as if I don't belong and I was extremely uncomfortable walking around the place.
There were a few weddings going on so there were a lot of people dressed up nicely.
As we arrived at 7pm for dinner, I found my way to the surau on the 3rd floor to perform my Maghrib prayers.
When I exited the lift, I saw a crowd all donned in black for a wedding.
I felt like running to the surau because I was under-dressed.
If you saw me, you'd be thinking that I was rushing to the loo and couldn't hold it in anymore.
I love the surau as they offer freshly smelled telekung and they maintained it really well.
No foul smell of a damp carpet, unlike some carpeted surau.
Anyway, this was our first time having a buffet dinner with Lil' Tot and The Baby.
Honestly, it was quite challenging as the coffee house was fully booked so there were a lot of people.
We brought her stroller so that she could sleep in her stroller while we enjoyed our meal, unfortunately, our table did not have any space at all to place a stroller nearby.
The stroller ended up being located elsewhere.
In addition, sitting down at the table was tough especially when I had to wear The Baby (since she was sleepy) and the chair was quite low, so eating at the table AND wearing a baby was out of the question.
Hubby and I took turns holding the baby in order for us to walk to the buffet station, grab some food and return to the table to eat, so we felt sorry for her when she was passed from one parent to another.
The service was awesome as they cleared the tables really fast.
The servers were friendly too.
The food was extremely nice although I didn't really have the opportunity to walk around much.
I guess, for now, this would be the last buffet I'd ever go to if I were to bring The Baby along.
I personally prefer ordering a la carte which doesn't require me to walk around buffet stations as I don't have that luxury anymore ... for now. :D
Honestly, the place is super posh and I truly felt out of place.
The range of food was really nice but of course, for me, the price was quite expensive.
Hubby then told me that the price was considered the cheapest in KL considering that it was a 5-star hotel.
I guess because I'm no longer earning an income that I've become more frugal.
Although we had a family stay-cation in Majestic a couple of years ago, I suddenly felt as if I don't belong and I was extremely uncomfortable walking around the place.
There were a few weddings going on so there were a lot of people dressed up nicely.
As we arrived at 7pm for dinner, I found my way to the surau on the 3rd floor to perform my Maghrib prayers.
When I exited the lift, I saw a crowd all donned in black for a wedding.
I felt like running to the surau because I was under-dressed.
If you saw me, you'd be thinking that I was rushing to the loo and couldn't hold it in anymore.
I love the surau as they offer freshly smelled telekung and they maintained it really well.
No foul smell of a damp carpet, unlike some carpeted surau.
Anyway, this was our first time having a buffet dinner with Lil' Tot and The Baby.
Honestly, it was quite challenging as the coffee house was fully booked so there were a lot of people.
We brought her stroller so that she could sleep in her stroller while we enjoyed our meal, unfortunately, our table did not have any space at all to place a stroller nearby.
The stroller ended up being located elsewhere.
In addition, sitting down at the table was tough especially when I had to wear The Baby (since she was sleepy) and the chair was quite low, so eating at the table AND wearing a baby was out of the question.
Hubby and I took turns holding the baby in order for us to walk to the buffet station, grab some food and return to the table to eat, so we felt sorry for her when she was passed from one parent to another.
The service was awesome as they cleared the tables really fast.
The servers were friendly too.
The food was extremely nice although I didn't really have the opportunity to walk around much.
I guess, for now, this would be the last buffet I'd ever go to if I were to bring The Baby along.
I personally prefer ordering a la carte which doesn't require me to walk around buffet stations as I don't have that luxury anymore ... for now. :D
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Answering Homeschool Questions
An interesting article on
Homeschool Dilemma - Answering HS Questions
They shared an insight on how their kids responded to questions posed by other people on why they chose to homeschool instead of attending school.
Interesting read and may help you prep your kids to field these types of questions themselves! :)
Homeschool Dilemma - Answering HS Questions
They shared an insight on how their kids responded to questions posed by other people on why they chose to homeschool instead of attending school.
Interesting read and may help you prep your kids to field these types of questions themselves! :)
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Going Out Sans Baby
My friends and I planned a gathering a month in advance, as we had to consider the different schedules of 10 people.
Up to the reunion date, I didn't think about expressing my breastmilk as I had initially planned to bring the 2 kids and hubby along.
Unfortunately, the haze condition worsened and as we didn't want to expose The Baby and Lil' Tot to the harmful air, we decided that the kids should stay home and hubby was more than happy to look after them.
So there I was, pumping away for The Baby's supply and reminisced the memories of pumping for Lil' Tot approximately 4 years ago.
My first experience of expressing breastmilk was a bit rocky.
You see, before I returned to work, I was pumping every single hour, making sure that the bottles were full to the brim.
Little did I know that the more I pumped, the more I stimulated my milk production.
Imagine my horror when my breasts became even more engorged as a result!
I was flabbergasted, didn't know what to do.
I thought that the only solution was for me to pump and empty my breasts.
It obviously didn't work.
Every single morning when I woke up, my PJs would be soaking wet and breastmilk would be dripping from my breasts.
I'd spent most of my time in the bathroom trying to express milk because it was engorged and painful.
Whenever I fed Lil' Tot, milk would be spraying onto her face like a water faucet and I'd be scrambling to minimize the spraying.
I asked my mom how she handled it when she had us back in the day.
She said she would put cabbages in her bra to manage the pain.
I thought to myself, Nope, I'm not going to put any form of vegetables in my bra and walk around feeling like a mobile salad.
As I sourced for information on managing engorgement and maintaining adequate milk supply, I breathed a huge sigh of relief and was able to return to work without worrying about engorged breasts or heavily leaking boobs.
I wrote about it here:
Engorged Breasts
Upon returning to work, lunch time meant spending time in the "Mother's Room" to express milk AND lunch in as well.
I had the opportunity to chat with other mothers behind curtains too :) as each space is covered by a curtain.
As I pumped for The Baby this time around, after 4 years, I felt the same sense of emotions.
I'm thankful for the breast pump as it allowed me to go out and leave The Baby at home, knowing that she'd be well fed even when I'm not around.
Lil' Tot was so excited when she saw me dispense milk into The Baby's milk bottle and she was looking forward to feeding sessions with The Baby.
It was the first time, after being stuck to The Baby like glue, that I was able to go out alone without worrying about The Baby's milk.
I went out that day, for the first time ever, to catch up with friends, and limited it to approximately 4 hours.
I guess, being a mom, you can't stop wondering how the little one is so I ended up checking on them with the hubby after 2 hours being away.
As I drove back home later that evening, I practically sped and kept updating hubby about my whereabouts and that I'd reach home soon.
When I opened the door and stepped inside the house, Lil' Tot came running towards me and hugged me as if she hadn't seen me for ages!
The Baby was calmly sitting in her swing chair, watching TV, oblivious to the fact the mommy was away for several hours.
I knew that The Baby missed me so much because when I held her and fed her, it looked like she didn't want to let go and guzzled hungrily when she latched on.
At that moment, I knew, my decision to stop working was the best decision for our family. :)
Up to the reunion date, I didn't think about expressing my breastmilk as I had initially planned to bring the 2 kids and hubby along.
Unfortunately, the haze condition worsened and as we didn't want to expose The Baby and Lil' Tot to the harmful air, we decided that the kids should stay home and hubby was more than happy to look after them.
So there I was, pumping away for The Baby's supply and reminisced the memories of pumping for Lil' Tot approximately 4 years ago.
My first experience of expressing breastmilk was a bit rocky.
You see, before I returned to work, I was pumping every single hour, making sure that the bottles were full to the brim.
Little did I know that the more I pumped, the more I stimulated my milk production.
Imagine my horror when my breasts became even more engorged as a result!
I was flabbergasted, didn't know what to do.
I thought that the only solution was for me to pump and empty my breasts.
It obviously didn't work.
Every single morning when I woke up, my PJs would be soaking wet and breastmilk would be dripping from my breasts.
I'd spent most of my time in the bathroom trying to express milk because it was engorged and painful.
Whenever I fed Lil' Tot, milk would be spraying onto her face like a water faucet and I'd be scrambling to minimize the spraying.
I asked my mom how she handled it when she had us back in the day.
She said she would put cabbages in her bra to manage the pain.
I thought to myself, Nope, I'm not going to put any form of vegetables in my bra and walk around feeling like a mobile salad.
As I sourced for information on managing engorgement and maintaining adequate milk supply, I breathed a huge sigh of relief and was able to return to work without worrying about engorged breasts or heavily leaking boobs.
I wrote about it here:
Engorged Breasts
Upon returning to work, lunch time meant spending time in the "Mother's Room" to express milk AND lunch in as well.
I had the opportunity to chat with other mothers behind curtains too :) as each space is covered by a curtain.
As I pumped for The Baby this time around, after 4 years, I felt the same sense of emotions.
I'm thankful for the breast pump as it allowed me to go out and leave The Baby at home, knowing that she'd be well fed even when I'm not around.
Lil' Tot was so excited when she saw me dispense milk into The Baby's milk bottle and she was looking forward to feeding sessions with The Baby.
It was the first time, after being stuck to The Baby like glue, that I was able to go out alone without worrying about The Baby's milk.
I went out that day, for the first time ever, to catch up with friends, and limited it to approximately 4 hours.
I guess, being a mom, you can't stop wondering how the little one is so I ended up checking on them with the hubby after 2 hours being away.
As I drove back home later that evening, I practically sped and kept updating hubby about my whereabouts and that I'd reach home soon.
When I opened the door and stepped inside the house, Lil' Tot came running towards me and hugged me as if she hadn't seen me for ages!
The Baby was calmly sitting in her swing chair, watching TV, oblivious to the fact the mommy was away for several hours.
I knew that The Baby missed me so much because when I held her and fed her, it looked like she didn't want to let go and guzzled hungrily when she latched on.
At that moment, I knew, my decision to stop working was the best decision for our family. :)
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Keluar Breakfast dengan Baby
Semenjak dua menjak ni kami tak keluar rumah langsung, memandangkan keadaan jerebu yang tak mengizinkan.
Kesian Lil' Tot dan baby kalau kena hidu asap jerebu. :(
Jadi bila hujan lebat mula turun sejak dua hari lepas, kitorang putuskan untuk keluar hari ini.
Mula-mula ingatkan nak suruh hubby beli je, nasi lemak, sebab dah lamaaaa tak makan nasi lemak. Yalah, kena berpantang makan kan. :D
Tapi bila Lil' Tot pun bangun awal, kitorang terus suruh dia mandi sebab nak keluar.
Aha, kalau dulu bolehlah amik masa setengah jam nak bersiap dan terus keluar rumah, tapi sebab ada baby, paling kurang pun amik masa sejam hehehe
Bila dah bersiap dua orang askar kecik tu (sebab Ummi dan Daddy memang dah bersiap awal lagi), maka bergeraklah kami keluar rumah dalam pukul 9am.
Cuaca pun agak mendung sebab awal-awal pagi tadi memang dah hujan.
Terus kami pergi ke kedai makan dan hubby pun pesan nasi lemak.
Ameeekkkkk ... dua bungkus nasi lemak saya pulun!!! Bahahaha ... entah apalah baby tu rasa nanti masa menyusu ... mesti ada rasa pedas-pedas sikit kot ek.
Takpelah nak, Ummi nak ajar awak makan pedas ya. :)
Selesai je bersarapan, saya ajak hubby pergi 1U sebab teringin betul nak beli chicken floss dari Bread Story.
Ni memang teringin dah lama kot tapi memandangkan nak kena masuk parking dan jalan ke Bread Story tu agak lah payah.
Dengan semangat berkobar-kobar, kami pun pergi lah ke 1U.
Yang paling best, sebab masa tu belum lagi pukul 10am, maka teramat lah senang nak cari parking.
Tau tak, kalau dah terlampau banyak sangat tempat kosong, memang rambang mata nak parking kat mana.
Lepas tu nak cari parking yang betul-betul depan pintu masuk.
Adehlah, pening kepala ... bukan sebab takde parking kosong tapi sebab terlampau banyak kosong! :D
Saya pun terfikir, memang best lah keluar awal-awal ni, especially kalau ada baby.
Tak ramai sangat orang masa tu, parking senang dan banyak benda boleh buat dalam masa yang singkat.
Bila masuk 1U, ramai orang dah duduk di tempat-tempat makan.
Masa ke Bread Story tu memang banyak lagi roti takde kat tempat display ... TAPIIII banyak chicken floss yang dah siap hehehe yang tak pedas dah siap letak kat display, yang pedas punya belum packing lagi, saya siap pack sendiri ... yalah, terlampau awal agaknya.
Nah, amik 6 terus roti chicken floss yang tak pedas dan amik 2 untuk hubby yang suka makan pedas.
Puas hati.
Depan Bread Story masa tu ada exhibition projek perumahan yang disertai beberapa developers.
Kami nak usha2 je tapi terus menuju ke Mah Sing Group.
Setakat ni, kami tau Mah Sing Group memang reliable dalam projek yang diaorang buat.
Hubby borak2 dengan salesperson kat situ sambil pegang baby yang dah tidur, tak bawak stroller sebab plan nak beli roti je.
Lil' Tot pulak sibuk tarik saya nak tengok pelan rumah yang diaorang bina.
Maka geraklah kami dari satu developer ke developer yang lain.
Bila salesperson datang nak bagi maklumat lanjut mengenai projek perumahan mereka, saya cakap "Tengok2 je ni, saya tak mampulah nak beli."
Diaorang terus senyum dan suruh saya amik je pamphlet.
Takdelah bazir masa dan air liur diaorang nak explain kat saya.
Kami amik masa sejam berada di exhibition tu dan dalam pukul 11am dah bertolak balik ke rumah.
Tak terasa penat dan baby pun banyak tidur je sepanjang masa tu.
Insya Allah, kalau nak keluar lagi terutamanya ke shopping mall, memang kena keluar awal-awal pagi. :)
Kesian Lil' Tot dan baby kalau kena hidu asap jerebu. :(
Jadi bila hujan lebat mula turun sejak dua hari lepas, kitorang putuskan untuk keluar hari ini.
Mula-mula ingatkan nak suruh hubby beli je, nasi lemak, sebab dah lamaaaa tak makan nasi lemak. Yalah, kena berpantang makan kan. :D
Tapi bila Lil' Tot pun bangun awal, kitorang terus suruh dia mandi sebab nak keluar.
Aha, kalau dulu bolehlah amik masa setengah jam nak bersiap dan terus keluar rumah, tapi sebab ada baby, paling kurang pun amik masa sejam hehehe
Bila dah bersiap dua orang askar kecik tu (sebab Ummi dan Daddy memang dah bersiap awal lagi), maka bergeraklah kami keluar rumah dalam pukul 9am.
Cuaca pun agak mendung sebab awal-awal pagi tadi memang dah hujan.
Terus kami pergi ke kedai makan dan hubby pun pesan nasi lemak.
Ameeekkkkk ... dua bungkus nasi lemak saya pulun!!! Bahahaha ... entah apalah baby tu rasa nanti masa menyusu ... mesti ada rasa pedas-pedas sikit kot ek.
Takpelah nak, Ummi nak ajar awak makan pedas ya. :)
Selesai je bersarapan, saya ajak hubby pergi 1U sebab teringin betul nak beli chicken floss dari Bread Story.
Ni memang teringin dah lama kot tapi memandangkan nak kena masuk parking dan jalan ke Bread Story tu agak lah payah.
Dengan semangat berkobar-kobar, kami pun pergi lah ke 1U.
Yang paling best, sebab masa tu belum lagi pukul 10am, maka teramat lah senang nak cari parking.
Tau tak, kalau dah terlampau banyak sangat tempat kosong, memang rambang mata nak parking kat mana.
Lepas tu nak cari parking yang betul-betul depan pintu masuk.
Adehlah, pening kepala ... bukan sebab takde parking kosong tapi sebab terlampau banyak kosong! :D
Saya pun terfikir, memang best lah keluar awal-awal ni, especially kalau ada baby.
Tak ramai sangat orang masa tu, parking senang dan banyak benda boleh buat dalam masa yang singkat.
Bila masuk 1U, ramai orang dah duduk di tempat-tempat makan.
Masa ke Bread Story tu memang banyak lagi roti takde kat tempat display ... TAPIIII banyak chicken floss yang dah siap hehehe yang tak pedas dah siap letak kat display, yang pedas punya belum packing lagi, saya siap pack sendiri ... yalah, terlampau awal agaknya.
Nah, amik 6 terus roti chicken floss yang tak pedas dan amik 2 untuk hubby yang suka makan pedas.
Puas hati.
Depan Bread Story masa tu ada exhibition projek perumahan yang disertai beberapa developers.
Kami nak usha2 je tapi terus menuju ke Mah Sing Group.
Setakat ni, kami tau Mah Sing Group memang reliable dalam projek yang diaorang buat.
Hubby borak2 dengan salesperson kat situ sambil pegang baby yang dah tidur, tak bawak stroller sebab plan nak beli roti je.
Lil' Tot pulak sibuk tarik saya nak tengok pelan rumah yang diaorang bina.
Maka geraklah kami dari satu developer ke developer yang lain.
Bila salesperson datang nak bagi maklumat lanjut mengenai projek perumahan mereka, saya cakap "Tengok2 je ni, saya tak mampulah nak beli."
Diaorang terus senyum dan suruh saya amik je pamphlet.
Takdelah bazir masa dan air liur diaorang nak explain kat saya.
Kami amik masa sejam berada di exhibition tu dan dalam pukul 11am dah bertolak balik ke rumah.
Tak terasa penat dan baby pun banyak tidur je sepanjang masa tu.
Insya Allah, kalau nak keluar lagi terutamanya ke shopping mall, memang kena keluar awal-awal pagi. :)
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Babyzen Yoyo 0+ (Newborn) Stroller
Our quest this time around when looking for a stroller needed to meet these criteria:
* lightweight
* compact
* easy folding and unfolding (one-hand fold)
* easy manuevering (one-hand steer)
Considering that we not only have a newborn to handle but a toddler to attend to as well.
Our toddler currently uses Quinny Yezz, which we're extremely happy with as it meets our 3 criteria above.
We searched online, reading countless reviews and made a few trips to the baby departmental store, engaging with the retailer by asking questions and seeing demonstrations of them handling the strollers available.
After much consideration and going back-and-forth by listing down the pros and cons, we were hooked with Babyzen Yoyo.
The icing on the cake was that we were able to purchase a pink stroller, the most favoured colour amongst all! :)
It may be pricey but it is definitely a great investment for us and it definitely suits our lifestyle.
Before making any purchases on a stroller, it is best that you not only weight in the price factor but your lifestyle too.
Click here for FAQ
Thursday, 15 October 2015
4 Ways to Handle Leaking Breasts
You know that feeling?
When you are breastfeeding your baby on one boob and the other one seems to want to dispense milk too?
When you wake up in the morning and you realize that your nursing wear is drenched, not with sweat but with milk?
When you try to breastfeed your baby and the milk seems to be spraying all over and hitting poor baby's face?
Well, here are 4 tips that might help you handle those leaking breasts, for now:
1) Pump more ... NOT!
You know what pumping does?
It'll stimulate your breasts to produce more milk.
I've learnt it the hard way with my first born.
I pumped my breasts until they're both empty.
It feels so good to pump engorged breasts because you'll see the empty bottles filling up pretty fast!
Unfortunately, I realized that my breasts quickly became fuller and so I've had to frequently pump every hour and I'll wake up in the mornings with an entirely soaked PJs just because I missed my pumping session. :(
It was tougher at work because I just can't afford to step away from my desk to pump for 10 minutes every single hour.
So I had to control it and looked up online for answers.
No unnecessary pumping for me and breastfeeding-on-demand is a better option to control my milk production.
2) Nursing Pads
Please do invest in nursing pads!
The first couple of days when I returned to work after maternity leave, I forgot to wear my nursing pad.
It was so embarrassing whenever I experienced a let-down reflex and two round circles will form itself and can be seen on my shirt.
You can't imagine how many times I've tugged on my shawl just to cover those two areas!
So I've invested in washable cotton nursing pads as they absorb leaks and keep clothes clean and dry (instead of smelling like sour milk by the end of a working day).
If your leaks are severe, you may want to bring extra pairs to work so you can change them and this also helps to avoid irritation.
They also do sell disposable pads.
3) Stem the Milk Flow
In the first few weeks, do not attempt to do this as you'll prevent a let-down or cause your milk ducts to clog.
You'll need to ensure that your milk production and feeding schedule is already in full swing.
Stemming the flow is by pressing on your nipples with your hand or folding your arms tightly against your breasts.
This helped me stop the spraying on baby's face when I attempt to breastfeed her.
4) Change in Dress Sense
You may opt for darker colors, I prefer black (the safest bet), for now until the leaking stops or is more under control.
When you are breastfeeding your baby on one boob and the other one seems to want to dispense milk too?
When you wake up in the morning and you realize that your nursing wear is drenched, not with sweat but with milk?
When you try to breastfeed your baby and the milk seems to be spraying all over and hitting poor baby's face?
Well, here are 4 tips that might help you handle those leaking breasts, for now:
1) Pump more ... NOT!
You know what pumping does?
It'll stimulate your breasts to produce more milk.
I've learnt it the hard way with my first born.
I pumped my breasts until they're both empty.
It feels so good to pump engorged breasts because you'll see the empty bottles filling up pretty fast!
Unfortunately, I realized that my breasts quickly became fuller and so I've had to frequently pump every hour and I'll wake up in the mornings with an entirely soaked PJs just because I missed my pumping session. :(
It was tougher at work because I just can't afford to step away from my desk to pump for 10 minutes every single hour.
So I had to control it and looked up online for answers.
No unnecessary pumping for me and breastfeeding-on-demand is a better option to control my milk production.
2) Nursing Pads
Please do invest in nursing pads!
The first couple of days when I returned to work after maternity leave, I forgot to wear my nursing pad.
It was so embarrassing whenever I experienced a let-down reflex and two round circles will form itself and can be seen on my shirt.
You can't imagine how many times I've tugged on my shawl just to cover those two areas!
So I've invested in washable cotton nursing pads as they absorb leaks and keep clothes clean and dry (instead of smelling like sour milk by the end of a working day).
If your leaks are severe, you may want to bring extra pairs to work so you can change them and this also helps to avoid irritation.
They also do sell disposable pads.
3) Stem the Milk Flow
In the first few weeks, do not attempt to do this as you'll prevent a let-down or cause your milk ducts to clog.
You'll need to ensure that your milk production and feeding schedule is already in full swing.
Stemming the flow is by pressing on your nipples with your hand or folding your arms tightly against your breasts.
This helped me stop the spraying on baby's face when I attempt to breastfeed her.
4) Change in Dress Sense
You may opt for darker colors, I prefer black (the safest bet), for now until the leaking stops or is more under control.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Aktiviti-aktiviti "Homeschool"
Di sini, kami ingin berkongsi sedikit sebanyak aktiviti homeschool kami. (Kami budak baru belajar)
Jadi kami banyak cari idea online dan IG adalah salah satu resource yang amat berguna.
Antara # yang anda boleh guna di IG ialah (walaupun terdapat banyak lagi # yang anda boleh explore):
#homeschooling #homeschooler #homeschool
#unschooling #unschooler #unschool
#invitationstoplay #30invitationstoplay
#preschoolactivities #learningthroughplay #kidsactivity
"Cardboard Roll Tree"
Bahan-bahan: Tissue roll, kertas, watercolour
Di sini saya recycle paper bag je, jimat sikit kertas kan :) dan paper bag ni pun agak tebal jadi kalau guna watercolour, tak tembus kertas tu.
Saya lukis pokok berserta dahan-dahan di atas paper bag ni.
Kemudian, saya gunting tissue roll kepada beberapa bahagian dan tissue roll ini akan menjadi bentuk daun.
Lil' Tot akan membuat bentuk daun pada pokok yang saya lukis tadi menggunakan pelbagai warna.
"Invitation to Play with Scissors and Colored Papers"
Bahan-bahan: Gunting (pelbagai jenis bentuk), kertas warna
Lil' Tot diberikan kebebasan untuk membuat apa-apa sahaja dengan bahan-bahan yang saya sediakan dalam tray ni.
Sama ada dia nak buat kad atau membuat collage atau nak gunting sahaja kertas-kertas di atas menggunakan kesemua gunting yang akan menghasilkan different edges.
Di bawah ni adalah hasil daripada masa yang saya berikan kepada Lil' Tot untuk explore menggunakan gunting-gunting dan kertas-kertas warna di atas:
"Alphabet Recognition and Tracing"
Bahan-bahan: Watercolour, kertas, pensil warna
Lil' Tot tidak berapa minat untuk menulis alphabets, jadi saya menarik minatnya melalui membuat collage atau mewarna alphabets menggunakan watercolour dan pensil warna.
Insya Allah, ini dapat menarik minatnya untuk mengenali ABCs.
"Numbers Recognition and Basic Math"
Bahan-bahan: Magnetic numbers, pom pom balls, cupcake tray
Alhamdulillah, Lil' Tot sudah mengenali nombor-nombor jadi untuk mengajarnya membuat kira-kira, kami membuat aktiviti di atas.
Selain daripada mengira, Lil' Tot perlu menulis jawapan dan ini membantu mengukuhkan lagi pengenalan kepada nombor.
Lil' Tot begitu teruja untuk membuat aktiviti ini hampir setiap hari dan kami tidak memanggilnya Math tetapi "Numbers Game" :)
Budak-budak kalau sebut "game" je mesti lajuuuu nak buat kan hehehe
"Play Doh"
Play Doh ni boleh beli yang dah siap ataupun buat sendiri di rumah.
Ianya adalah satu investment jangka panjang yang amat menguntungkan kerana budak-budak suka sangat main Play Doh.
Letaklah Play Doh dengan apa-apa bahan ie set masak budak-budak, dan anda dapat menyaksikan mereka bermain Play Doh selama berjam-jam!
Apa yang menarik, dapat melihat tahap imaginasi mereka dan ibu bapa juga turut terjebak bermain bersama-sama mereka ... ahem, sayalah tu. :D
"Numbers Recognition"
Ini lagi satu variasi untuk mengenali nombor.
Aktiviti ini memerlukan Lil' Tot melukis jumlah pom pom balls yang diatur dan mewarna sekali.
Ianya dapat membantu Lil' Tot visualise nombor mana yang lebih besar dan nombor mana yang lebih kecil.
Selain daripada aktiviti-aktiviti di atas, saya dan suami akan membaca dan baking dengan Lil' Tot.
Kami juga mengajar dia untuk solat dan mengaji.
Tapi biasalah, budak yang masih berusia 4 tahun, kadangkala dia mahu buat, kadangkala tidak, jadi kami akan pastikan jika dia hendak buat sesuatu, kami akan segera tunjuk caranya.
Jika dia tidak berminat, kami tidak akan memaksa atau memarahinya kerana lambat laun, dia akan buat juga.
Jadi kami banyak cari idea online dan IG adalah salah satu resource yang amat berguna.
Antara # yang anda boleh guna di IG ialah (walaupun terdapat banyak lagi # yang anda boleh explore):
#homeschooling #homeschooler #homeschool
#unschooling #unschooler #unschool
#invitationstoplay #30invitationstoplay
#preschoolactivities #learningthroughplay #kidsactivity
"Cardboard Roll Tree"
Bahan-bahan: Tissue roll, kertas, watercolour
Di sini saya recycle paper bag je, jimat sikit kertas kan :) dan paper bag ni pun agak tebal jadi kalau guna watercolour, tak tembus kertas tu.
Saya lukis pokok berserta dahan-dahan di atas paper bag ni.
Kemudian, saya gunting tissue roll kepada beberapa bahagian dan tissue roll ini akan menjadi bentuk daun.
Lil' Tot akan membuat bentuk daun pada pokok yang saya lukis tadi menggunakan pelbagai warna.
"Invitation to Play with Scissors and Colored Papers"
Bahan-bahan: Gunting (pelbagai jenis bentuk), kertas warna
Lil' Tot diberikan kebebasan untuk membuat apa-apa sahaja dengan bahan-bahan yang saya sediakan dalam tray ni.
Sama ada dia nak buat kad atau membuat collage atau nak gunting sahaja kertas-kertas di atas menggunakan kesemua gunting yang akan menghasilkan different edges.
Di bawah ni adalah hasil daripada masa yang saya berikan kepada Lil' Tot untuk explore menggunakan gunting-gunting dan kertas-kertas warna di atas:
"Alphabet Recognition and Tracing"
Bahan-bahan: Watercolour, kertas, pensil warna
Lil' Tot tidak berapa minat untuk menulis alphabets, jadi saya menarik minatnya melalui membuat collage atau mewarna alphabets menggunakan watercolour dan pensil warna.
Insya Allah, ini dapat menarik minatnya untuk mengenali ABCs.
"Numbers Recognition and Basic Math"
Bahan-bahan: Magnetic numbers, pom pom balls, cupcake tray
Alhamdulillah, Lil' Tot sudah mengenali nombor-nombor jadi untuk mengajarnya membuat kira-kira, kami membuat aktiviti di atas.
Selain daripada mengira, Lil' Tot perlu menulis jawapan dan ini membantu mengukuhkan lagi pengenalan kepada nombor.
Lil' Tot begitu teruja untuk membuat aktiviti ini hampir setiap hari dan kami tidak memanggilnya Math tetapi "Numbers Game" :)
Budak-budak kalau sebut "game" je mesti lajuuuu nak buat kan hehehe
Play Doh ni boleh beli yang dah siap ataupun buat sendiri di rumah.
Ianya adalah satu investment jangka panjang yang amat menguntungkan kerana budak-budak suka sangat main Play Doh.
Letaklah Play Doh dengan apa-apa bahan ie set masak budak-budak, dan anda dapat menyaksikan mereka bermain Play Doh selama berjam-jam!
Apa yang menarik, dapat melihat tahap imaginasi mereka dan ibu bapa juga turut terjebak bermain bersama-sama mereka ... ahem, sayalah tu. :D
"Numbers Recognition"
Ini lagi satu variasi untuk mengenali nombor.
Aktiviti ini memerlukan Lil' Tot melukis jumlah pom pom balls yang diatur dan mewarna sekali.
Ianya dapat membantu Lil' Tot visualise nombor mana yang lebih besar dan nombor mana yang lebih kecil.
Selain daripada aktiviti-aktiviti di atas, saya dan suami akan membaca dan baking dengan Lil' Tot.
Kami juga mengajar dia untuk solat dan mengaji.
Tapi biasalah, budak yang masih berusia 4 tahun, kadangkala dia mahu buat, kadangkala tidak, jadi kami akan pastikan jika dia hendak buat sesuatu, kami akan segera tunjuk caranya.
Jika dia tidak berminat, kami tidak akan memaksa atau memarahinya kerana lambat laun, dia akan buat juga.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Terdapat ramai homeschooling families di Malaysia yang jauh lebih berpengalaman daripada kami.
Kami budak baru belajar dan baru hendak berjinak-jinak dengan homeschooling anak kami, Lil' Tot, yang tidak menghadiri pre-school/tadika.
Insya Allah, walaupun kami tiada sijil perguruan, kami masih boleh mengajar Lil' Tot untuk:
Membaca (mengenali huruf dahulu)
Life skills ie laundry, lipat baju, membersihkan rumah, cooking/baking etc
Serta (yang teramat amat amat penting) memberikan dia kebebasan untuk bermain! :D
Alhamdulillah, walaupun ramai rakan-rakan sebaya Lil' Tot sudah pergi ke sekolah, Lil' Tot tidak pula meminta kami untuk menghantarnya ke tadika/pre-school.
Dia lebih selesa untuk berada di rumah dan membuat pelbagai aktiviti bersama saya/suami ataupun dia bermain sendiri sahaja.
Macam mana nak homeschool?
Kami akan melihat kecenderungan minat Lil' Tot dan merangka pelbagai jenis aktiviti mengikut minatnya.
Disebabkan kami baru dalam bidang homeschooling ni, kami memang BANYAK membaca dan mencari resources online.
Banyak sangat artikel berkaitan homeschool dan banyak juga FB groups di mana ibubapa homeschool their own children.
Apa yang penting kalau nak homeschool ni, kena banyak cari maklumat just for you to use as a guide sebelum anda embark on your own homeschooling journey with your family. :)
Kenapa homeschool?
Sebab kami lebih mengenali anak kami dan dapat merangka aktiviti/pembelajaran mengikut tahap pengetahuan serta yang paling penting, minat dia. :)
Kami ingin menekankan pembangunan sahsiah Lil' Tot daripada beliau masih kecil lagi, Insya Allah. :)
"Pembangunan sahsiah merangkumi penampilan fizikal, sikap, tingkah laku, pemikiran, perasaan, sosial dan rohani individu. Pembangunan sahsiah juga membawa maksud iaitu membina akhlak, peribadi dan tingkah laku dengan matlamat melahirkan seseorang itu bertamadun, intelek, murni dan berdaya maju." -
Amboi, macam serious bebenor definisi kat atas ni kan? Kami nak tekankan character building untuk anak kami supaya dia takdelah nak fikir pasal score A sahaja dalam semua subjects tapi character ZERO. :(
Apa yang kami harap Lil' Tot dapat belajar adalah "skills" yang boleh diguna pakai sehingga bila-bila. Dalam masa 10 tahun akan datang, kita takkan tahu what type of job opportunities are available and the skills they learn or possess now might become obsolete in the future.
Maka apa yang penting adalah untuk menerapkan di dalam diri Lil' Tot semangat dan minat untuk belajar (Insya Allah) as learning is a continuous process and does not stop when you graduate from school / college.
Kebebasan untuk membuat aktiviti-aktiviti sama ada di rumah atau bersama-sama homeschooling families on weekdays (di mana banyak tempat lengang sebab ramai budak-budak ke sekolah). Tak lupa juga, travelling with the family pada bila-bila masa, tak kira cuti sekolah ataupun tidak (amik cuti sendiri hehehe)
Selain daripada itu, Lil' Tot tidak perlu bangun pukul 7am semata-mata untuk bersiap ke tadika/pre-school. Tak boleh nak bayangkan, untuk kejutkan Lil' Tot yang memang LIAT sangat nak masuk bilik air untuk mandi ... oh tidak!
Ada jadual ke?
Takde jadual ... dia baru berumur 4 tahun jadi kebanyakan aktiviti adalah mengikut rentak dia.
Kami amat fleksibel malah Lil' Tot juga turut membantu membuat kerja-kerja rumah seperti laundry, menyapu sampah, melipat baju etc Ya, menerapkan life skill dari dia kecil lagi, bila dah besar senang sikit nak suruh buat kerja rumah. :)
Mana nak cari aktiviti?
Bagi aktiviti pula, saya mencari ilham untuk pre-school activities di IG dan telah menemui banyak ideas menarik daripada kalangan homeschooling families di serata pelusuk dunia!
Apa yang menarik, komuniti homeschool membantu antara satu sama lain di dalam pendidikan anak-anak mereka. Extremely supportive and encouraging!
Antara # yang anda boleh guna di IG ialah (walaupun terdapat banyak lagi # yang anda boleh explore):
#homeschooling #homeschooler #homeschool
#unschooling #unschooler #unschool
#invitationstoplay #30invitationstoplay
#preschoolactivities #learningthroughplay #kidsactivity
Mana nak cari geng-geng homeschool yang lain?
Homeschooling families ada join FB groups untuk bersama-sama share maklumat tentang homeschool serta buat group activities untuk homeschooling kids. Anda boleh cari homeschooling families yang berhampiran dengan tempat anda tinggal, Insya Allah. :)
Kami budak baru belajar dan baru hendak berjinak-jinak dengan homeschooling anak kami, Lil' Tot, yang tidak menghadiri pre-school/tadika.
Insya Allah, walaupun kami tiada sijil perguruan, kami masih boleh mengajar Lil' Tot untuk:
Membaca (mengenali huruf dahulu)
Life skills ie laundry, lipat baju, membersihkan rumah, cooking/baking etc
Serta (yang teramat amat amat penting) memberikan dia kebebasan untuk bermain! :D
Alhamdulillah, walaupun ramai rakan-rakan sebaya Lil' Tot sudah pergi ke sekolah, Lil' Tot tidak pula meminta kami untuk menghantarnya ke tadika/pre-school.
Dia lebih selesa untuk berada di rumah dan membuat pelbagai aktiviti bersama saya/suami ataupun dia bermain sendiri sahaja.
Macam mana nak homeschool?
Kami akan melihat kecenderungan minat Lil' Tot dan merangka pelbagai jenis aktiviti mengikut minatnya.
Disebabkan kami baru dalam bidang homeschooling ni, kami memang BANYAK membaca dan mencari resources online.
Banyak sangat artikel berkaitan homeschool dan banyak juga FB groups di mana ibubapa homeschool their own children.
Apa yang penting kalau nak homeschool ni, kena banyak cari maklumat just for you to use as a guide sebelum anda embark on your own homeschooling journey with your family. :)
Kenapa homeschool?
Sebab kami lebih mengenali anak kami dan dapat merangka aktiviti/pembelajaran mengikut tahap pengetahuan serta yang paling penting, minat dia. :)
Kami ingin menekankan pembangunan sahsiah Lil' Tot daripada beliau masih kecil lagi, Insya Allah. :)
"Pembangunan sahsiah merangkumi penampilan fizikal, sikap, tingkah laku, pemikiran, perasaan, sosial dan rohani individu. Pembangunan sahsiah juga membawa maksud iaitu membina akhlak, peribadi dan tingkah laku dengan matlamat melahirkan seseorang itu bertamadun, intelek, murni dan berdaya maju." -
Amboi, macam serious bebenor definisi kat atas ni kan? Kami nak tekankan character building untuk anak kami supaya dia takdelah nak fikir pasal score A sahaja dalam semua subjects tapi character ZERO. :(
Apa yang kami harap Lil' Tot dapat belajar adalah "skills" yang boleh diguna pakai sehingga bila-bila. Dalam masa 10 tahun akan datang, kita takkan tahu what type of job opportunities are available and the skills they learn or possess now might become obsolete in the future.
Maka apa yang penting adalah untuk menerapkan di dalam diri Lil' Tot semangat dan minat untuk belajar (Insya Allah) as learning is a continuous process and does not stop when you graduate from school / college.
Kebebasan untuk membuat aktiviti-aktiviti sama ada di rumah atau bersama-sama homeschooling families on weekdays (di mana banyak tempat lengang sebab ramai budak-budak ke sekolah). Tak lupa juga, travelling with the family pada bila-bila masa, tak kira cuti sekolah ataupun tidak (amik cuti sendiri hehehe)
Selain daripada itu, Lil' Tot tidak perlu bangun pukul 7am semata-mata untuk bersiap ke tadika/pre-school. Tak boleh nak bayangkan, untuk kejutkan Lil' Tot yang memang LIAT sangat nak masuk bilik air untuk mandi ... oh tidak!
Ada jadual ke?
Takde jadual ... dia baru berumur 4 tahun jadi kebanyakan aktiviti adalah mengikut rentak dia.
Kami amat fleksibel malah Lil' Tot juga turut membantu membuat kerja-kerja rumah seperti laundry, menyapu sampah, melipat baju etc Ya, menerapkan life skill dari dia kecil lagi, bila dah besar senang sikit nak suruh buat kerja rumah. :)
Mana nak cari aktiviti?
Bagi aktiviti pula, saya mencari ilham untuk pre-school activities di IG dan telah menemui banyak ideas menarik daripada kalangan homeschooling families di serata pelusuk dunia!
Apa yang menarik, komuniti homeschool membantu antara satu sama lain di dalam pendidikan anak-anak mereka. Extremely supportive and encouraging!
Antara # yang anda boleh guna di IG ialah (walaupun terdapat banyak lagi # yang anda boleh explore):
#homeschooling #homeschooler #homeschool
#unschooling #unschooler #unschool
#invitationstoplay #30invitationstoplay
#preschoolactivities #learningthroughplay #kidsactivity
Mana nak cari geng-geng homeschool yang lain?
Homeschooling families ada join FB groups untuk bersama-sama share maklumat tentang homeschool serta buat group activities untuk homeschooling kids. Anda boleh cari homeschooling families yang berhampiran dengan tempat anda tinggal, Insya Allah. :)
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
The First Post-partum Poop
I thought it was over and done with when I safely delivered Baby No. 2.
Considering that I had Baby No. 1 approximately 4 years ago, I forgot how daunting it was to answer nature's call number 2 post-delivery. *grimaces*
You see, during pregnancy, I suffered from constipation and hemorrhoids.
So I had to worry about my diet to include tons of liquid and fiber AND suffer in silence with the oh-so-painful-hemorrhoids and kept thinking to myself why-can't-you-just-go-away???
During labor, I had to worry about accidentally emptying my bowels on my birthing bed and embarrassing myself (as if showing my Miss V for all to see in the labor room isn't embarrassing enough for me).
Hence, on the first night after delivering baby, the idea of even having to pee scares me, let alone poop.
I always had this visual where I'd probably tear my stitches apart when I take that first dump.
I was too scared to make that first push and I'd hold off on it until I really had to go.
I know, it isn't healthy but who could blame me for being horrified of pooping?
Did you know that the longer you wait to poop, the harder that stool will become?
It'd probably turn hard like a brick ...
It took me several days to finally empty my bowels and I must say, it wasn't a pleasant one!
I cried and was sweating (honestly felt like I was about to give birth ... again!)
I cried because I was too scared that my stitches would come off.
I was sweating because it was a tough job for me, really.
I adjusted my sitting position a few times, breathed in and out to calm myself down and started to push.
What helped me was the stool softener liquid which the hospital provided me.
For my successive passing motion sessions, I made sure that I drank tons of water (minimum of 2-3L to be exact), included oats in my diet in addition to having dates for breakfast on top of my butter and toast.
I couldn't adhere to the confinement rule of restricting my fluid intake (can't drink too much water as your womb will not shrink properly) since I'm the one who has to suffer the pain!
In that first week post-baby delivery, I'd spend around 15-20 minutes just to empty my bowels because I was being too careful not to split my stitches.
At that point, I'd be thinking to myself, "I ain't gonna get pregnant after this!"
I guess there are mothers out there who probably said the same thing and had since delivered more babies. :D
Considering that I had Baby No. 1 approximately 4 years ago, I forgot how daunting it was to answer nature's call number 2 post-delivery. *grimaces*
You see, during pregnancy, I suffered from constipation and hemorrhoids.
So I had to worry about my diet to include tons of liquid and fiber AND suffer in silence with the oh-so-painful-hemorrhoids and kept thinking to myself why-can't-you-just-go-away???
During labor, I had to worry about accidentally emptying my bowels on my birthing bed and embarrassing myself (as if showing my Miss V for all to see in the labor room isn't embarrassing enough for me).
Hence, on the first night after delivering baby, the idea of even having to pee scares me, let alone poop.
I always had this visual where I'd probably tear my stitches apart when I take that first dump.
I was too scared to make that first push and I'd hold off on it until I really had to go.
I know, it isn't healthy but who could blame me for being horrified of pooping?
Did you know that the longer you wait to poop, the harder that stool will become?
It'd probably turn hard like a brick ...
It took me several days to finally empty my bowels and I must say, it wasn't a pleasant one!
I cried and was sweating (honestly felt like I was about to give birth ... again!)
I cried because I was too scared that my stitches would come off.
I was sweating because it was a tough job for me, really.
I adjusted my sitting position a few times, breathed in and out to calm myself down and started to push.
What helped me was the stool softener liquid which the hospital provided me.
For my successive passing motion sessions, I made sure that I drank tons of water (minimum of 2-3L to be exact), included oats in my diet in addition to having dates for breakfast on top of my butter and toast.
I couldn't adhere to the confinement rule of restricting my fluid intake (can't drink too much water as your womb will not shrink properly) since I'm the one who has to suffer the pain!
In that first week post-baby delivery, I'd spend around 15-20 minutes just to empty my bowels because I was being too careful not to split my stitches.
At that point, I'd be thinking to myself, "I ain't gonna get pregnant after this!"
I guess there are mothers out there who probably said the same thing and had since delivered more babies. :D
Play-Doh Kind of Day
The weather is still bad and unhealthy for both Lil' Tot and Lil' Baby to enjoy any form of outdoor activities.
Such a bummer, you know, as you are a believer that kids should be outdoors and play as they learn best that way.
We've been cooped up at home for a couple of weeks now so a lot of planning has been put into scheduling Lil' Tot's daily activities indoors.
It was Play-Doh day which Lil' Tot happily took the lead.
We started the day with just lazing around in bed before breakfast.
I was half-awake from being up the previous night for Lil' Baby's night time feeds.
At times, she'll have her feed every 2 hours, but lately she's been up every hour!
Goodness, I'd find myself feeding her with my eyes half-closed but I'd be sure that I don't drop her when I pick her up from her cot.
I won't ever be able to forgive myself if I ever did!
So this lazing around gave me time to just steal 5-10 minutes more to doze off while Lil' Tot entertained her younger sister.
Once I've dragged myself out of bed, I'd hit the showers and this would get Lil' Tot to do the same too, one of the rare instances she'd offer to take a shower.
Why is it that toddlers find it really difficult to take a shower?
I mean, they'll literally find so many excuses NOT to go into the bathroom, at the point of arguing with you, and once they've finally gotten themselves into the bathroom, they'll find so many excuses to NOT leave the bathroom? *sigh sigh sigh*
Anyways, once I've done washing up, Lil' Tot would finally saunter into the bathroom and go about doing her business.
I'd take this opportunity to prepare breakfast before bathing Lil' Baby.
Once I'm done preparing breakfast, Lil' Tot would be ready by then with her clothes.
We'd both sit down to have breakfast and chat.
Once I'm done with breakfast (more like wolfing down the food before Lil' Baby starts crying), I'd pick up Lil' Baby and give her a bath.
After bath time, we'd both get ourselves comfortable at Lil' Tot's workstation and do activities together.
Lil' Tot kickstarted it with producing a few animal shapes and as we progressed, I'd ask her "Should we make a tree?" or "Should we make a river?" or "What else do you think we should add?" to engage with her and allow her to think of other things to create.
This Play-Doh activity took up the entire morning.
In between playing with Lil' Tot, I'd also have to feed Lil' Baby and get her to take naps as well, which generally means holding her throughout the session, else she'll only end up napping for 15-minutes or so.
After the Play-Doh session, we moved on to number recognition, as per the picture above.
The pom pom balls have been very useful with our number activities so far and we've found different ways to incorporate the pom pom balls in our activities.
I must confess, I'm not really good in Math so I'm hoping that this early exposure to numbers in a fun way for Lil' Tot would pique her interest to continuously learn about numbers and subsequently, Math. :)
For more ideas on activities for your toddlers, feel free to check out #30invitationstoplay on Instagram.
You can find more updates on our daily activities via @supersimplesahm.
Such a bummer, you know, as you are a believer that kids should be outdoors and play as they learn best that way.
We've been cooped up at home for a couple of weeks now so a lot of planning has been put into scheduling Lil' Tot's daily activities indoors.
It was Play-Doh day which Lil' Tot happily took the lead.
We started the day with just lazing around in bed before breakfast.
I was half-awake from being up the previous night for Lil' Baby's night time feeds.
At times, she'll have her feed every 2 hours, but lately she's been up every hour!
Goodness, I'd find myself feeding her with my eyes half-closed but I'd be sure that I don't drop her when I pick her up from her cot.
I won't ever be able to forgive myself if I ever did!
So this lazing around gave me time to just steal 5-10 minutes more to doze off while Lil' Tot entertained her younger sister.
Once I've dragged myself out of bed, I'd hit the showers and this would get Lil' Tot to do the same too, one of the rare instances she'd offer to take a shower.
Why is it that toddlers find it really difficult to take a shower?
I mean, they'll literally find so many excuses NOT to go into the bathroom, at the point of arguing with you, and once they've finally gotten themselves into the bathroom, they'll find so many excuses to NOT leave the bathroom? *sigh sigh sigh*
Anyways, once I've done washing up, Lil' Tot would finally saunter into the bathroom and go about doing her business.
I'd take this opportunity to prepare breakfast before bathing Lil' Baby.
Once I'm done preparing breakfast, Lil' Tot would be ready by then with her clothes.
We'd both sit down to have breakfast and chat.
Once I'm done with breakfast (more like wolfing down the food before Lil' Baby starts crying), I'd pick up Lil' Baby and give her a bath.
After bath time, we'd both get ourselves comfortable at Lil' Tot's workstation and do activities together.
Lil' Tot kickstarted it with producing a few animal shapes and as we progressed, I'd ask her "Should we make a tree?" or "Should we make a river?" or "What else do you think we should add?" to engage with her and allow her to think of other things to create.
This Play-Doh activity took up the entire morning.
In between playing with Lil' Tot, I'd also have to feed Lil' Baby and get her to take naps as well, which generally means holding her throughout the session, else she'll only end up napping for 15-minutes or so.
After the Play-Doh session, we moved on to number recognition, as per the picture above.
The pom pom balls have been very useful with our number activities so far and we've found different ways to incorporate the pom pom balls in our activities.
I must confess, I'm not really good in Math so I'm hoping that this early exposure to numbers in a fun way for Lil' Tot would pique her interest to continuously learn about numbers and subsequently, Math. :)
For more ideas on activities for your toddlers, feel free to check out #30invitationstoplay on Instagram.
You can find more updates on our daily activities via @supersimplesahm.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Set Bersalin: Rangkaian Herbanika Bersalin Nona Roguy
Ini merupakan kali pertama saya menggunakan set bersalin lengkap Nona Roguy.
Masa bersalin anak pertama, saya mengambil ubat yang disediakan oleh tukang urut masa tu.
Kali ini selepas bersalin anak kedua, saya mengambil tukang urut yang lain dan dinasihati untuk menunggu selesai tempoh berpantang baru cari barang-barang untuk penjagaan selepas bersalin kerana dikhuatiri anak demam kuning.
Rangkaian Herbanika Bersalin ini mengandungi barang-barang berikut:
PhytoNatal - 90 biji
Akar Herbanika - 10 paket
Minyak Herbanika - 100 ml
Herbanika barut (krim) - 60gm
Uncang Cuci Herbanika - 10 paket
Herbanika Lulur - 100gm
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Kotak Set Bersalin Nona Roguy |
Tidak perlu khuatir kerana set ini turut disertakan buku panduan penggunaan seperti di bawah (ditulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris):
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Buku Panduan Penggunaan |
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Panduan di dalam Bahasa Inggeris |
Saya sangat suka set bersalin ni sebab ianya sangat mudah digunakan, terutama sekali jika anda berpantang sendiri di rumah.
Di sini, saya nak kongsi pengalaman saya menggunakan set bersalin Nona Roguy yang mungkin sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu kaum ibu di luar sana membuat keputusan di dalam pencarian set bersalin semasa dalam pantang nanti, Insya Allah. :)
- Mengatasi masalah sembelit.
- Mengelakkan terjadinya bentan.
- Sebagai pembersih dalaman semulajadi untuk menyahtoksik, pelembab, dan perapi dalam sistem dalaman tubuh badan bagi mengeluarkan kekotoran, angin toksik, darah nifas, darah bantal, lendir berlebihan, retensi air dan sembab.
- Menurunkan berat badan, melangsingkan tubuh badan dan merampingkan pinggang, mengempiskan perut, serta mengatasi masalah geleber.
Cara pemakanan: 2-4 tablet sehari.
Saya hanya mengambil 2 biji pil sahaja selepas sarapan pagi.
Alhamdulillah, jika dulu saya mempunyai masalah sembelit, namun selepas makan Phytonatal ni, senang sangat lawas!
Kalau pil diambil pada waktu pagi, Insya Allah anda akan membuang air besar pada waktu petang atau malam.
Bersedialah untuk membuang ya. :D
Amat berguna sekiranya anda ada jahitan di bawah tu, terutama sekali yang perlu membuat episiotomi.
Kalau nak buang air, saya memang takut sangat, walaupun saya mempunyai first degree tear dan bersalin normal.
Lagi satu yang best Phytonatal ni, dah tak rasa kembung perut!
Legaaaa sangat!
- Melancarkan pengeluaran darah nifas.
- Membanyakkan susu badan.
- Membersih, melancarkan serta menyegarkan darah yang bercirikan stimulasi dan lactagogue yang dapat memperbanyakkan pengeluaran susu ibu.
- Melancarkan pembuangan air kecil
Cara Penggunaan: 1-2 uncang direndam dalam 1 mug air panas mendidih. Biarkan ia suam atau mencapai suhu bilik. Boleh juga masukkan madu lebah untuk kesan yang lebih mujarab. Amat di syorkan pengambilan sebanyak 3-4 mug sehari dengan mengulangi rendaman paket yang sama sehingga cair warnanya. Selepas itu, gantikan dengan paket yang baru.
Saya guna 1 uncang sebab nak jimatkan penggunaan :D
Kalau nak minum, saya akan pastikan ianya panas sebab rasa lega sangat minum air panas.
Bau herba tu juga memang best!
Alhamdulillah, susu badan pun banyak sampaikan kalau sedang menyusukan anak, susu akan keluar di kedua-dua breast.
Setiap hari saya kena tukar baju atau mandi jika terlalu banyak yang keluar sehingga baju pun lencun.
Selalunya susu yang keluar agak deras juga sampai baby terpaksa tunggu seketika sehingga ianya kurang deras.
Ok, itu untuk makan tablet dan minum air herbanika, sekarang ni kita tengok bahan-bahan untuk cucian serta minyak dan krim barut juga.
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Uncang Cuci Herbanika : Minyak Herbanika : Krim Herbanika Barut
(Bengkung tidak termasuk di dalam set)
Air rebusan herba untuk mandi dan mencuci bahagian sulit.
- Sebagai cucian berkesan untuk bahagian sulit ibu, membantu mengatasi atau meredakan jangkitan fungus, keputihan dan mempertingkatkan kesihatan di bahagian sulit.
- Amat berkesan dalam rawatan rendaman sulit, hidroterapi dan sebagai herba bunjut dalam terapi tuaman.
Cara penggunaan: Rendam 3 uncang dalam 1 liter air panas mendidih. Biarkan warna air bertukar kepada kekuningan herba. Masukkan sedikit air biasa supaya panasnya tidak melecurkan kulit dan masukkan garam untuk lebih berkesan. Guna airnya untuk mencebuk atau gunakan kapas untuk mencuci alat sulit wanita.
Uncang cuci NR ini juga boleh dijadikan sebagai herba mandian dengan merebus 6 Uncang Cuci Herbanika dalam 2 Liter air tanpa garam. Air rebusan dicampurkan dengan air biasa dalam bekas mandi atau besen untuk disuamkan sebelum mandi. Gunakan uncang-uncang yang di rebus itu sebagai tuaman urat saraf, otot dan payudara semasa mandi untuk lebih berkesan.
Jika di hospital, mereka akan ajar macam mana nak basuh alat sulit menggunakan air dan garam.
Dengan set bersalin NR ni, mereka menggunakan Uncang Cuci Herbanika di mana garam akan ditambahkan sekali di dalam air cucian.
Memang bau herba agak kuat dan ianya akan memberikan kaum ibu rasa segar selepas cucian.
- Mengurangkan kesan parut serta pigmentasi disamping mengeluarkan sel-sel kulit mati dan menghaluskan kulit.
- Mengencangkan kulit dan otot badan, mengecutkan bengkak urat varikos, meredakan sembab dan memelihara kesihatan urat saraf badan secara luaran.
- Mengatasi kebas-kebas dan seram sejuk dengan menghindari daripada kemasukan angin sejuk.
Cara Penggunaan: Sediakan 2 sudu besar Herbanika Lulur NR, campurkan dengan air panas suam, kacau sehingga menjadi pes yang sederhana cair. Sebelum mandi, lulur seluruh badan. Kemudian, mandi dengan air herba mandian Uncang Cuci NR.
Penggunaan lulur ni untuk scrub di seluruh badan.
Jangan terperanjat ya jika selepas mandi tu nampak tangan warna kuning disebabkan lulur.
Bau lulur ni pun sedap juga.
Kalau nak scrub di bahagian belakang badan dan tak sampai, bolehlah minta tolong Encik Suami :)
Selepas mandi, mari kita tengok pula penggunaan minyak Herbanika dan krim barut.
- Minyak urut.
- Diletakkan 3-4 titik di pad untuk melancarkan pengeluaran darah nifas dan membantu mengeringkan luka bersalin (normal) dengan cepat.
- Disapu pada kaki dan bahagian yang sakit dan tegang, untuk kelegaan yang cepat.
- Disapukan di perut sebelum menyapukan Krim Herbanika Barut, untuk menghilangkan stretchmark dan membantu Krim Herbanika Barut untuk bertindak dengan lebih berkesan dalam menghilangkan lemak-lemak.
Saya suka sangat minyak ni.
Kadangkala kalau pakai pad, memang terasa sangat gatal di bahagian bawah sebab kulit saya agak sensitif dengan plastik pad tu. Jadi kalau saya sapukan di bahagian situ, rasa dingin dan melegakan.
Kalau rasa sakit kepala, saya akan sapukan di bahagian tengkuk.
Kalau perut terasa kembung, saya akan sapukan di bahagian perut serta kaki sebelum memakai stokin kaki untuk pastikan kaki hangat.
- Mengeluarkan darah nifas dengan lancar, darah kotor, lendir dan angin keracunan dan darah bantal daripada rahim.
- mengejapkan otot bahagian perut yang longgar dan menggeleber.
- Mengurangkan jalur kulit (stretchmark) dan memutihkan kesan parut.
- Mengembalikan kelangsingan badan yang terserlah di bahagian pinggang, perut, pinggul, baha dan lengan.
Cara Kegunaan:
- Sapu Minyak Herbanika NR terlebih dahulu di bahagian perut, pinggang, pinggul sebelum menggunakan Krim Herbanika Barut di tempat tersebut.
- Pakai bengkung atau kain barut untuk mengikat rapi bahagian tersebut.
Krim ni akan memberikan rasa hangat pada badan.
Saya akan sapukan minyak Herbanika dahulu sebelum memakai krim ni kemudian akan memakai bengkung.
Saya cadangkan jika anda mempunyai kulit yang agak sensitif, mungkin boleh guna dalam kuantiti yang sedikit dahulu.
Jika tiada kesan sampingan seperti rasa tidak selesa dan anda rasa seperti ianya terlalu gatal, bolehlah sambung penggunaannya.
Kadangkala kita terlalu menggaru sehingga mendatangkan kesan pada bahagian perut.
Alhamdulillah, memang lengkap set bersalin ni dan amat mudah untuk menggunakannya juga.
Sekiranya ada sesiapa berminat, boleh dapatkan set lengkap ini dari Galeri Herba Orimura (pemborong/pengedar produk kesihatan & kecantikan) yang mempunyai cawangan di Giant Hypermarket Bandar Kinrara, Puchong dan Giant Bachang, Melaka.
Mereka juga menyediakan perkhidmatan penghantaran barang terus ke tempat anda.
Saya sertakan di bawah ini waktu urusan dan alamat cawangan di Bandar Kinrara (bagi sesiapa yang nak ke kedai terus), nombor telefon serta alamat emel untuk menghubungi mereka.
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