Tuesday 10 November 2015

The Validation

Lil' Tot, The Baby and I were at our usual spot this morning, in the park.

We brought our drawing materials and some snacks. 

We laid everything out nicely on a table and sat down minding our own business.

A lady with her 9-month old son approached us and started to chat. 

She was on leave and works as a teacher in a nearby school. 

I noticed that she paid most of her attention to Lil' Tot, asked her questions and just listened to how Lil' Tot explained things. 

The lady kept telling me that she was impressed with how Lil' Tot communicated and expressed herself. 

In addition, she stood by and watched Lil' Tot draw on a construction paper and at the same time, communicated with me. 

Lil' Tot even started to chat with the 9-month old baby, kept saying "Awwww he's so cute!" 

When the lady got to know that Lil' Tot does not attend any play school or pre-school, she was more impressed. 

She even added, "If she's able to communicate like this, she does not need to go to a kindergarten anymore. She can immediately start school when the time comes."

I was like "Wow!"

On top of that, the lady said that she'd love to send her son to us so that her son could play with the kids.

I honestly told her that we mostly play and don't really focus on learning ABCs or numbers, it all depends on whether Lil' Tot wants to learn them. 

The lady said, "Play is better. No need to stress out on ABCs and numbers if they aren't willing to at such an early age."

Wow, to get such a validation from a teacher really IS something! :D

I strongly believe that we're moving in the right direction and to hear such acknowledgement from a teacher further validates that we're doing something right. ;)

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