Sunday 28 September 2014

Our Lil' Tot at 3-years old

This is going to be super random, in no particular order nor format nor structure.

Our toddler's development at the age of 3:

She still breastfeeds (yeay!)

She doesn't take afternoon naps anymore if she's busy playing BUT will oblige when I ask her "Would you like to take a nap and have milk?" (Milk = breast milk) ... She'll instantly say "Yes!"

Her sentence construction has definitely improved, at times when she attempts to construct long sentences, she'll pause for a moment before completing her sentence. It brings us joy that she makes the effort to use words. 

The other day when I wanted to pass her something, it fell to the floor. I quickly apologized and picked it up before handing it over to her. She responded with "Not a problem!" 

Her appetite has improved. Just the other day, she had 3 pancakes for breakfast, 2 slices of pizza for lunch, 2 pieces of cookies for her snack and as for dinner, finished off a small scoop of rice coupled with chicken soup (along with a few pieces of chicken). 

She has started to understand emotions. She'll ask "Are you happy?" after she has taken her shower or finished her meal. We'll respond with "Yes, because you have done ... ". On the other hand, if she did something wrong, we'll say "I'm feeling sad / not happy because you ...". She'll immediately apologize if she knows that she was in the wrong. 

She loves having us read to her, even asks us "What does this say?" whilst pointing towards a sentence. 

She loves finishing puzzles. 

She loves playing with LEGO pieces, especially the smaller sized ones.

She dislikes using colour pencils and prefers painting instead. 

She very proper in terms of ensuring that her toys are kept away once she has played with them. When she does activities like painting or baking and her hands are dirty, she'll either grab a tissue to wipe it off or wash it off, then resume her activity. She can't see things out of order (not everything but what stands out for her) and she'll put them in place. 

When a particular music is playing and it strikes her fancy, she'll dance or nod to the beat. The best part, her moves are according to the beat. :)

She helps out with the house chores like sweeping the floor, wiping the kitchen counter, washing her plates upon finishing her meals, doing the laundry (including folding), among others. 

Between playing and helping us out with chores / cooking / baking, she'd choose to help us out. 

When she's playing with her toys, sometimes she'll insist on us playing with her. So we'll sit next to her while she plays. 

Her stuffed toys no longer receive the same attention as before, with the exception of Hello Kitty and Toothless (the dragon).

She can go on a couple of days without her formula milk. 

Although she's not potty trained, whenever she needs to poop, I'd bring her to the washroom. She won't tell you straightaway she needed to do her business. The signs I'd look out for would be a red-faced toddler trying to hold onto a table or chair and tiptoe on her feet. 

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