Monday 10 November 2014

Potty Training

So far so good. 

We have a schedule of having her go diaper-less from the time she takes her morning shower until 2pm in the afternoon before she takes her afternoon nap. 

I'm not that confident as yet to let her sleep without her diaper. 

It helps that she has started to tell me when she needs to answer nature call. 

But to reach that stage was quite a challenge. 

First off, she didn't like to wear her panties. 

Oh sure, she'd get all excited at first when she sees the colourful selection stocked up in her wardrobe. 

But not long after, she'd start to act up, wanting her diaper. 

Initially, we'd visit the bathroom every half an hour. 

I guess she got tired of seeing the toilet so often that when I asked if she needed to go to the loo, she'd decline. 

We then progressed to every hour and not long after, she would be the one making the call. 

Sometimes I made sure that I ask her, every hour, just to be on the safe side. 

One time, after visiting the bathroom, she wanted to get her diaper and refused her panties. 

Of course, a bit of commotion as I insisted on her to wear her panties. 

I left her to whine as I went about my chore. 

It was probably a couple of minutes later where she came to me, tugged at my shirt and requested me to help her put it on. 

Mission accomplished! :D 

But, seriously, she looks MORE HAPPY to put her diaper on rather than her panties. *sigh*

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