Friday 25 July 2014


Our toddler is 3-years of age and she still sleeps with us. 

Her bed is placed next to ours, well, more of our mattress as we don't have a bed. This allows for us to sleep right next to her and allows those bf sessions in the wee hours of the morning where she'll normally help herself. 

Putting her to sleep is easy too. I would bf her and she'll start to doze off or she'll sleep on her own when she's too exhausted from the day's activities.

Whenever she wants to fall asleep, she would either hug my arm or keep poking my armpit (yes, armpit!!!). Her leg would normally find its way and land on my leg or tummy. 

I know of parents who have set a bedtime routine for their child before settling down to sleep ie drink warm milk, have a warm bath, brush their teeth, read a story book then tuck the child in. What is even more amazing is that the child sleeps in a separate room and the parents would switch on a night light so that the room is not too dark. :)

I admit, I can't let her go just yet. You know, the thought of her sleeping in another room, all alone ... I just can't.

I don't think we would be able to send her away to her own room anytime soon. 

It just feels more secure and safe to have her around in our room. Instances where she'd suddenly wake up from a nightmare and starts crying, I can immediately console her back to sleep. 

Just last night, she suddenly woke up around 1am, calling out for "Daddy" and started to cry. She was looking at the shadow of our curtains on the ceiling. 

Honestly, she looked quite scared and kept staring at the ceiling. 

I recited some prayers in her ear, hugged her tight, could feel her fast heartbeat and stayed with her for an hour until she finally fell asleep. 

I don't know, it just feels better to have her nearby. It feels better to have her still bf even though she's already 3 yo++ (ok, though sometimes it is a bit tiring coz I have to lay down on one side during feeding sessions and my back would hurt like crazy when I wake up in the morning).

If anyone else questions why I'm not letting her sleep in her own room, probably I'll respond with "Why not?"

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