Tuesday 1 October 2013

My Eczema Relief

Throughout my entire life, I've never thought that I have eczema (in denial, maybe?). 

Yes, I would have the occasional skin itching and dryness, recurring skin rashes and redness, at times the skin would crack (painful!) but it would go away.

This skin inflammation was something I thought was a chemical reaction or due to my sinus. 

The normal areas would be my face (around the nose and mouth which would inflame when the weather is too hot), my hands, my neck and my feet.

It's baffling as I have no idea why it keeps recurring. 

It became worse after one year of giving birth to my daughter as the inflammation does not seem to go away.

I've had so many visits to the clinic and they prescribe me with Hydrocortisone, given me an injection and antibiotics. 

The doctors whom I've consulted had not asked me to visit a specialist nor told me that I was suffering from eczema.

Until ... 

One fine day, I pricked my finger (my thumb) on a needle. 

I thought nothing of it when I saw that it started to swell a couple of days later. 

The swelling became worse and became an open wound (the fact that I started scratching each time it itches didn't help at all!).

I tended to it using minyak gamat, Zambuk ointment and the existing ointments prescribed by the doctor.

It got worse. 

Hubby had been pestering me to go to the clinic. 

Being the stubborn gal (and because I gave up going to the clinic), I told hubby that I was fine. 

Up to the point that the skin became too sensitive to touch and hugely affected me when I cooked or wanting to complete my house chores. 

I told hubby that I couldn't take it anymore so we went to the clinic. 

It was a locum doctor. 

She was the one who told me that I had eczema. 

She carefully looked at my thumb and showed me why she suspects it was eczema, showing me the redness and area surrounding it. 

She advised that she would refer me to a skin dermatologist to get it treated.

I'm not really a fan of going to the clinic, more so a specialist (still stubborn).

So I consulted my best friend, Google.

I read how other eczema sufferers treated their skin condition. 

They've come to accept that it would never go away but to reduce the itchiness or "tame" it was better than suffering any further. 

I read how they found the brands below extremely useful in treating their eczema (among others):


Considering that I had several areas to cover and the article I read with feedback from readers validated how Nivea Creme helped them, I purchased one tin.

I applied the cream generously on the affected areas one evening. 

The next morning, I was amazed to see that it cleared up, especially my face. 

Throughout the day, I applied generous amounts all over, however, noticed that it became too oily for me. 

Later that evening, I noticed the redness had re-surfaced (not on my face but my neck). 

It went on for a couple of days.

I then gave Sebamed Baby Lotion a chance (my toddler's cream), I mean, what could go wrong, right? 

So I applied the cream, again, generously. 

The good thing was, it didn't feel oily even after applying and re-applying the lotion. 

I was elated to see the results!

The redness had started to reduce slowly and didn't resurface at all!

I've been trying this for a couple of days and am happy to report that THIS lotion definitely works for me!

I must admit that the skin tends to flare up and I can't help but scratch it.

So here I am, battling myself and the urge to just scratch ... *sigh*

This works for me and may work for you too.

I find that eczema sufferers like us go through a lot of "trial-and-error" phases to find the right treatment.

I do hope you find yours soon!

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