Thursday 7 November 2013

Toddler's Updates

Children go through various developmental stages. 

Some learn at a quicker pace and some take their own sweet time. 

Children are children. 

Adults should allow kids to progress at their own pace. 

No pressure.

Let kids be kids and let them have all the fun! 

Adults should support them, no matter what.

So when someone questions why my toddler, aged 2 years and 5 months, is still unable to hold a conversation or talk fluently, it hurt my feelings. 

Or when someone points out why my toddler is yet to be potty trained and why she's still in diapers. 

Or why my toddler likes to climb the stairs. 

Or why she doesn't eat certain food. 

Why ... Why ... Why ???

Yes, makes you feel that you're not good enough to educate your own child. 

But guess what?

It's YOUR child and you can educate / teach them however YOU want!

I know that I will never be able to please those around me. 

As long as my child is happy, I'm happy!

Snippets of the words / phrases / sentences which my toddler picked-up which often leaves hubby and me speechless ... in a good way, of course. 



Our toddler was seated on the sofa whilst I went into the room to fetch something. 

She uttered, "Ummi, where are you going?" whilst she clings onto the sofa and patiently waits for my answer. 

"I'm just fetching your towel to give you a shower, okay?"

She replies "Otay!" and jumps off the sofa to run around the house. 

Yes, it's equally challenging to get her into the bathroom for her shower and also challenging to get her OUT of the bathroom! 


We were getting ready for bed when I was arranging my pillows around. 

She started jumping on my pillow. 

"Baby, don't jump on Ummi's pillow. Where's your pillow?"

She replied "Piwow? Oh no! Where's piwow?" 

She searches for her "piwow" around the room then decides to search for it outside in the living room.

Whilst running out of the room, she exclaimed "I'll be back!"


We were watching an action packed movie on TV. 

The scene was a chasing scene. 

So this actor was clumsily running around and tripping on branches in some forest. 

Our toddler exclaimed, "Be careful! Watch out!" 

When the actor suddenly fell down a cliff, she went "Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!"


She loves to say, "Thank you", "You're welcome" and "No problem!"

Also "I got it!", "I did it!"


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