Wednesday 23 September 2015

Delivering Baby No. 2 at Prince Court Medical Centre

Alhamdulillah! Safely delivered our second baby recently. :D

It was a smooth natural delivery and I NEARLY delivered the baby in the car! 

Here's how the day went. 


After breakfast, I felt the surges come and go. 

It didn't feel like contraction pains since I only felt my tummy tighten for a few seconds and that was just about it.

I was convinced that it was nothing and even joked around with my siblings that I won't make the same mistake as how I did with my first delivery.

You see, with my first, I had contraction pains and a bloody show but because I've never experienced period pains, I honestly thought it was a bad tummy ache. 

I had a bad case of diarrhoea a few days prior so I assumed that it was just one of those episodes. 

Since hubby and mom insisted that we went to the hospital, we did just that. 

As the nurse checked up on my dilation, she told me that I was already 5cm dilated!

So here I was thinking that I had to have a bloody show first before dragging hubby to the hospital.

Hubby asked if I wanted to go to the hospital a few times, I told him that the surges were irregular so I declined, saying that I was still fine. 

Furthermore, I didn't want to go to the hospital and end up being sent back home if they were just false contractions.


The surges continued to come and go but I was still able to walk around, so when hubby asked if I needed to go the hospital, I told him that I was still ok. (Very determined preggy lady here!)

I was still able to perform my prayers albeit a little out of breath.

I'd sometimes find myself having difficulty to walk and have to sit down. (I think I sat down most of the afternoon anyway).

The family decided to go to the mall and grab coffee. 

I told hubby that I don't think I was up for it as I would probably slow everyone down. (Yes, imagine me, waddling about in the mall and everyone would either have to wait for me or I'd end up playing the catch up game with the rest of the family).


The family left home to head to the mall, leaving my sister and I at home.

Before leaving the house, hubby kept reminding me to call him immediately if the pain became intense so that we could get to the hospital on time. 

I told him not to worry about it and even said "Honestly, it's not that painful yet, really, don't worry."

When they left, I took the opportunity to take a nap whilst my sister watched TV.

And boy, it was one of those nap times that I could distinctly remember to this day!


I woke up a few times during my nap. 

I could feel intense tightening of my tummy.

I had to sit and went on all fours to just bent forward, changed position, to relieve the pain and made a mental note that if it was irregular, I just had to brave it through.

I also started timing the surges but it wasn't regular as yet.

I then woke up to perform my Asar prayers and this time, I had to sit down throughout my prayers.

The pain was to intense for me to even stand or walk anymore.


I decided against continuing with my nap and sat down on the sofa to watch TV instead.

Several times, I had to slide off the sofa as my tummy continued to tighten and I had to change my sitting position.

It wasn't pleasant and I honestly did break out in a sweat. 

I kept wiping off beads of sweat trickling down my forehead and wondered why on earth is it extremely warm at this hour?

I kept taking deep breaths to help with the pain too.


The family returned home. 

I told hubby that the pain was intense and we should go to the hospital but I wanted to go after Maghrib prayers. (Still determined to perform my prayers and STILL thinking that I'm not going into labor any time soon!)

Hubby wasn't convinced we could wait that long but I assured him it was ok.

My mom immediately came to ask if I had timed my contraction and I said that it was every 7 minutes.

Of course, my mom was shocked and told hubby and me to go to the hospital immediately.

So hubby gathered our hospital bags and I got myself ready.

Truth be told, I took time to get ready as I could feel the intense pain and I had difficulty walking all of a sudden. 

Like, seriously can't walk!!! 

I had to sit down a few times just to relieve the pain. 


By the time I've salam all my family members and sought for forgiveness, I had to sit down for awhile although hubby already had the car engine running.

Mom asked me why I was still sitting down.

I started to break down and cry.

Astaghfirullah, the pain was indescribable! 

Really, I had no intention to cry but there I was, crying and sobbing and suddenly I couldn't talk properly anymore, I was actually stuttering!

Mom quickly gave me a hug and rubbed my back. 

I told her, "I...can''s...painful...too...painful."

Yes, I couldn't converse properly.

Mom helped me to the car when I was able to gather the strength to stand up.

I didn't stop beristighfar as the pain was too intense and I prayed to God to help ease the pain. 

As we rushed to the hospital, I just couldn't concentrate on what hubby was saying.

Oh My God! The pain, it was just too much and even in the air-conditioned car, full blast, mind you, I was still sweating and it felt really warm! I continued with my zikir and hubby held my hand tightly each time I said "Ya Allah, it is so painful!"

I was breathing quite fast too and I had to stop myself and focus on the pain, imagining that it was going away.

The trip to the hospital felt like it would take us forever! 


We reached the hospital and hubby ran inside to grab a wheelchair.

I honestly couldn't walk anymore.Hubby ushered me in and walked really fast as he pushed me to the labor room, I think he literally ran as I told him it was too painful.

My breathing was rapid at this point so muttering "It's painful, It's painful" came out like a chant. 

As we reached the entrance of the labor room and waited for the door to open, I could see a few people seated outside at the waiting lounge.

I overheard one person say "Kesiannya dia" and I knew that I probably looked like I was going to deliver there and then! 

The nurse buzzed the door open for us and showed us to the labor room. 

One nurse was already inside and asked me if my water had already broke or if I had any bloody show. 

I told her that I didn't have any of those.

She requested me to go to the bathroom and pee first since I would need to be strapped down for them to take my vitals and check on the baby's heartbeat. 

I walked carefully to the bathroom, with much difficulty, and peed. 

Suddenly, I saw blood in the toilet bowl and I knew it was my bloody show. 

I can't describe it but it felt like a gush of liquid coming out. 

I quickly cleaned myself up and told the nurse when I stepped out of the bathroom. 

She requested me to change into the hospital clothes before I was ushered to the bed. 


As I was laying down with hubby by the side, the pain became intense and whatever questions the nurse asked me, I just couldn't answer. 

Really, it was too painful! 

Here I was trying to say "Stop asking me questions! It's painful! Can't you freaking see that I'm in freaking pain???"

But of course, I shouted it all out in my mind as my lips muttered the zikir.  

Hubby fielded all the questions on my behalf. 

Guess what? When the nurse checked my dilation ... I was already fully dilated! That's right! 10cm! 

No wonder I felt intense pain!

They then asked me if I wanted epidural, I declined. 

They asked me if I wanted gas, again, I declined. 

They advised me that the doctor was on her way (Dr Paul was away so they called Dr Tan instead).

Since the doctor was still on her way, one nurse advised me to take gas to delay my delivery so that I would deliver when the doctor was around. 

I was like ... HUH? As it is the pain was unbearable and the nurse is requesting me to HOLD IT IN? No way! 

I just kept my mouth shut and declined to have the gas. 

The nurse then said "It's ok, if you feel like you want to push, just push, if the doctor isn't around, I'll be here to deliver the baby."

As the pain came and went, there were a few times when I felt like I needed to poop but this time it felt like it was coming out from my Miss V. 

I think I only screamed once because it was too painful.

The nurse told hubby "The baby will come out anytime now. She's pushing."

By the 4th surge, I started to push.

The nurse then said "Ok, just push, I can see the baby's head."


I pushed for what felt like a brief moment and then ... out she came! 

I believe that the entire process took us 15 minutes! 

I was stumped. 

I couldn't believe it. 

I looked at hubby, dumbfounded. 

I looked at the nurse's face, with a similar expression. 

Told them that I couldn't believe it!

As they cleaned her up and took her vitals, the doctor appeared. 

She requested for updates from the nurses and asked them some questions. 

She then quickly came to me, congratulated me and did her stitching as I had a first degree tear.

At that point, honestly, I suddenly felt that the room was so cold. 

And that the doctor took time to stitch me up. 

And that I shivered throughout the process. 

I felt like saying to the doctor "Quickly finish stitching me up already!"

As if reading my mind, the nurse said "Just for awhile ya, then we'll get this done."

The doctor did not say a word throughout the entire process. 

For what felt like an eternity (hubby was by baby's side during this time), the doctor finally finished stitching me up, congratulated me again and after hubby and I thanked her, she left the room. 

One of the nurses swiftly changed my clothes, helped me with my maternity pad and panties and covered me up with a comforter. 

They propped me up in bed and said that it's time to feed the baby. 

I was elated! Because when I delivered my first child, I couldn't even hold her, nor was I aware of my surroundings as I took too much gas at that time! 

This time around, I was even more alert and happily accepted my newborn daughter in my arms whom they've wrapped in a towel. 


I began to breastfeed her and she latched on brilliantly! 


The nurse checked if baby was latching on and when she saw that baby was already suckling, she said "Pandainya baby."

I was super duper happy! :D

The bf process took about an hour and she managed to feed on both breasts. 


One of the nurses then said they'd take her to the nursery to be cleaned up. 

I asked if she would be rooming in with me. 

They said "Yes, once you've settled in your room."

As my daughter left the room with the nurse, two nurses came in bringing in another bed and helped me into it. 

They were really friendly and we chatted as they asked me about my birthing experience. 

We chatted the entire time as they pushed me into the ward. 

Hubby was putting our bags aside and we both talked about the birthing experience again, it just seemed so surreal. 

I got to know from my mom when the family came over an hour later, that the family performed Solat Hajat for me after Maghrib prayers. 

I was utterly grateful to them for doing this. 

I was even more grateful to the Lord as he had eased my birthing process. 

I remembered that with my first child, the family also performed their Solat Hajat even when it was 2am at that time and I was able to deliver naturally. 

Alhamdulillah. I couldn't stop uttering this word. 

I'm so thankful that I was able to deliver naturally AND bf my baby for one hour. 

I am utterly grateful to the Lord and I should thank my lucky stars ... and the baby's too. :)

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