Saturday 26 September 2015

A Sister's Love

I consider myself lucky and blessed to have our lil' toddler doting on her baby sister.

Even throughout my pregnancy, she had shown her love towards my baby bump by kissing and talking to my tummy every single day without fail.

We'd bring her to our monthly check-ups and she'd be the first one standing in front of the monitor whenever the doctor scans for the baby. 

She was the one who suggested that we make space for the baby in our room: 
"I'll sleep in my own bed in my room so that baby can sleep with you and Daddy."

On that same day, we went to IKEA to purchase her bed, consulted her first on the type of bed she desired. 

We picked out the bed, the comforter, bed sheet and pillow cases together. 

As the bed frame couldn't fit our car, we arranged for a delivery and anticipated it to be delivered over the course of 3 days.

Of course, she was excited and kept asking us daily as to when her bed would arrive. 

We engaged her in setting up her bed in a separate room and the baby cot in our room. 

She helped out in every way possible. 

When the baby came out, she would be the one watching the baby closely, being on standby in case the baby cries. 

She'd entertain her lil' sister with lullabies, read books or just talk to the baby. 

She's extremely reliable during diaper changes or when baby needs a shower, she'll fetch the diaper or bath towel or powder, anything she could get her small hands on. 

When asked if she loves baby, she'll kiss the baby first then say, "I LOVE baby!"

As how she'd kiss my tummy during pregnancy, she's now kissing the baby throughout the day, every single day without fail.

We'd sometimes tell her that we'd let the baby stay with the grandparents, then she'll say, "No, that's my baby!" 

Just the other day, we were getting ready to go out and we left the baby in the chair whilst we were standing outside the door getting ready. 

I told my toddler, "Let's go, we'll leave the baby as there's food in the fridge and she can prepare the food herself, ok?"

Our toddler didn't budge and she let out an honestly sad cry, fearing that we would indeed leave her baby sister home alone for the night. 

Our toddler refused to close the door and cried and cried until we said, "Ok ok... we'll bring the baby."

She immediately wiped her tears and gave us a huge smile!

Even when the baby cries and I'm attending to chores, she'd be the one checking up on the baby and tries to calm the baby down by either singing or talking to her. 

Most of the time the baby would stop crying and just watch her big sister engage with her. 

When the baby stirs in her sleep, she'd be patting the baby's back and tries to soothe the baby back to sleep.

I can tell you that it is THE most beautiful sight ever! 

And here's hoping that the love demonstrated would last for many more years to come.

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