Our toddler loves to play the "fishing game" with her "fishing kit" that includes a fishing rod and four colorful fishes. :)
I decided to make it more interesting for her.
I went and filled her bathtub (not that full, conserve water :D ) and placed it on our balcony.
I was hoping that the outdoor breeze would give a feel that she's fishing outdoors hehehehe
Here we went adding the fishes into the tub and she added the whale toy too.
She initially struggled to "catch" the fishes as the magnet which was positioned on the mouth kept going underwater.
So she decided to do what a toddler knows best, used her hand to direct the rod to the mouth and scooped up the fish.
Hahahahaha I said "Hey, that's not fair!"
I showed her how to do it using the fishing rod and how she needs to be patient.
Walla! She was able to do it correctly and here's her "catch of the day", in the blue pail. :D
"Well done! I'm soooo proud of you!" I exclaimed whilst happily snapping away and recording her attempts for Daddy to view when he comes home from work.
Once she was able to grasp the concept, I'd create ripples in the water so that the fishes would be "swimming" around.
She'd initially say "Stop Ummi!" but when I showed her that she could still catch the fish despite the "waves", she was OK thereafter.
We even had the whale go around trying to catch the fish as well so she'd need to be quick to catch the fish before the whale does! :D
Later that evening, when she was in one of her I-don't-wanna-go-shower moods, I just asked her "Do you want to go fishing?"
She'll quickly say "Yes!" run to the room, grab her towel and appear in front of me with a fully anticipating facial expression, while asking "Where's the fishing rod, Ummi?"
I'll just smile and fill up her tub in the bathroom, adding in her bath foam.
She'll get excited as she'd submerge all the fishes under the water (obviously hidden by the foam) and start looking for her fishes.
I'm impressed that she was still able to use the fishing rod to catch the fish despite the thick foam in the bathtub.
Owh, she's able to spend close to an hour just "fishing".
Excellent activity for hand-eye coordination PLUS a little imagination. ;)