Tuesday 24 May 2011

Pregnancy Week 38: Babies Hiccup Even in the Womb!

Betcha never knew that baby's hiccup in the womb, right?

Yeah, makes you and me both. :)

It all started when I felt Lil' Jr giving me consistent 'kicks' every 3 seconds for a certain duration (at times lasting between 10 to 20 minutes ... yeah, THAT long!).

So I thought that the lil' one was doing some sort of karate or exercise or tumbling around doing somersaults ... ok, a bit far-fetched there ... 

I'd feel it when I'm in meetings or driving or even sleeping (or trying to sleep in the middle of the night after going to the bathroom for the umpteenth time!)

As it was my first pregnancy, I thought nothing of it until I read this up on the Internet ... 

And found out that ... baby hiccups even in the womb!

Not to worry, they say it's extremely normal and it's a sign that your Jr is a healthy baby! :D *Happy mommy!*

They will continue to hiccup even after delivery.

Apart from Lil' Jr's hiccup episodes, the lil' one's feet are also consistently pushing itself upwards and going into my left ribs!!! (ouch!) 

My lower back is always feeling uncomfortable and all I want is a back massage EVERY single day ... not to mention that I'm having a tough time walking too whenever baby starts kicking and pushing ... as if wanting to make it's way out of the tummy!

Hubby asked me to take leave from work a 1-week earlier as our Lil' Jr is due on 8 June 2011.

Thank goodness I started my leave today! 

Trust me, I've been extremely busy at work, as if other people are pregnant and NOT ME! 

I also have to drive for an hour or so to work and another hour or so to go home ... it'll be a longer journey if it rains. 

Wouldn't want to have contractions on the road now, do we?

Now, the only thing I haven't been able to recognize is the Braxton Hicks pain.

Not sure if it's the feeling of having your tummy tense suddenly but I've been reading a lot on other mothers / mothers-to-be experiencing this.

Let me just Google that ... 

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