Lil' princess is 14 months old now and she's still breastfeeding ... yeay!
I also need to top-up with formula as I don't pump enough at work.
I make it up to her as I would bf her in the evenings when I'm home and when she occasionally wakes up in the night ...
Yes, she still manages to 'climb' into our bed! :)
I'm thankful that the nursing room at work can accommodate 4 people at any one time.
They have installed proper curtains in the room for more privacy, comfortable sofas and of course, a small fridge for you to store your milk.
I can go there anytime I want, except during lunchtime, as this would be the peak hour for all moms to rush their pumping session.
I know of one mother who has lunch AND pumps at the same time ... she'll only have biscuits or bread for lunch as it would be easier for her to manage the food and pump.
I know of one or two mothers who use the manual pump.
I do pity them as they take quite a long time to complete their pumping session.
They would ask me if it's better to use single or double pump, I proposed to them that double pump is faster.
My Medela Swing is handy for me as I use recyclable battery and it is small but I can only pump one breast at a time so it's not quite efficient.
I am quite the stubborn one as hubby wanted to buy me the double pump but at that point of time when I was still on maternity leave and bf on demand, I said that it wasn't necessary...
If hubby is reading this entry, he'll surely say, told-you-so. :D
Anyhoo, yes, manual pumps are time consuming and for single pumps, suggest you get the double pump if you are a working mom ...